Zumba GOLD vs Zumba®

Zumba GOLD®  vs   Zumba Fitness®

Zumba DaanceFit Gold® is an Effective Workout for Older Adults? 

Ideal for ages 30 to 70 — Email for a FREE Intro class

Dancefit Zumba Gold for seniors

Venues for Zumba GOLD – Go HERE


See the comparison of Zumba Gold with Peter Klipfel vs Zumba Fitness

Zumba  GOLD ®                 Zumba Fitness®

Low  Impact High Impact
Music  1950  – 2025 Music  2000 – 2025
Medium Paced Cardio Fast paced Cardio
Medium Fitness High Fitness
Saves Joints Compression
Social Social
Fun EASY routines Fun  Routines
Larger variety of Dance Styles Salsa, Hip Hop and Funk
Energy  – High Energy High
Vibe – Excellent Vibe – Excellent
Caters for physical disorders and older people Does not cater for older people or injuries
Original moves Original moves
Fun –  YES! Fun  Yes!
Licensed Instructor Licensed Instructor
Average Age  50 Average age 35



My Zumba Gold Classes are not the normal Gold Classes

Here is Why

Experience from 14 years of teaching and doing 16 classes a week personally , I have found that members love to dance to music from their past. Also cultures are different even in South Africa.. You have to get the music mix right so that everyone gets to enjoy a moment ..

It is not about what the instructor wants — Its what the members want  – period. 

To much emphasis gets placed on the instructor, many time on purpose and not enough on the members.. The limelight should be on those having a fun time , and NOT the instructor trying to bring the limelight on themselves. 

This confuses the members and most spend the time trying to figure out what the instructor is doing.