Monte Vista Zumba GOLD Dancefit
Classes are ideal for ages 20 to 70 and are beginner friendly.
Location is perfect as Dancefit is situated in the Grace Presbyterian church on the corner of Barrow road and Camoens Avenue Monte Vista, opposite to a big exercise park in the middle of Monte Vista.
Contact us for a FREE intro class
Zumba Gold is the perfect way to stay in shape, especially if you like group exercises and do not want to join a gym. The class is low impact but high on good vibes and great energy .. We aim to keep you coming back for more.
Question ? Is Zumba Gold better for the older adult compared to Zumba fitness – Read more
Venue Facilities .
We also look after your hips knees and joints, by selecting the correct routines that will keep you coming back for more.
Frequent rotating, so that not all classes are the same – New routines and music is brought in to refresh the memory .. Studies also show how music and dance helps prolong Alzeimers and Dimentia