DanCeFit classes  Cape Town for ages 40 to 70
Email peter klipfel

     2024 - BODY SHAPE UP with  Zumba® GOLD Dance Fitness Classes near you          Now in Monte Vista - Parow - Melkbosstrand and Tableview.  TRY IT OUT. Call 0828762516                

              What I offer in my Studios in 2024

  • 60 min Classes ( 8000 steps & 400 cal per class
  • You can choose between once or twice a week per month
  • Beginner Friendly GOLD Zumba DanceFit Classes
  • Morning and Evening classes Melkbosstrand
  • Private studios with safe parking
  • NO Contracts
  • We offer  a FREE class
  • Relaxed atmosphere with No competition - Go at your pace
  • Choice of one (R220) or two classes a week (R380)per month 
  • Weight loss plans and motivation
  • Safe Venues and parking
  • Classes in Monte Vista, Parow, Melkbos and Table View
  • Core Strengthening, Endurance & Fitness
  • Fitness for all ages.
  • Commitment to making every class enjoyable.
  • Stress Release  - Your ME time and Happy place.  

What can Zumba GOLD do for you

Firstly exercise has to be FUN.  It is a great way to unwind after a stressful day. The music is the key - to the fun in the class.  With Zumba GOLD the Routines are easy to follow. There are judgements, or expectations - Just sheer fun. Email  and join  

Your zumba instructor for Goldfit classes is peter klipfel
dancefit advert Jan 2024

The Benefits of Dance exercise over 40 are many.. Your body regains the flexibility and the muscles regain there strength and most important is the memory improves as well as your co ordination  -- Sounds good to me

Changing your body and mind needs discipline - it all starts with you making a decision to change your old habits and become a new you mentally and physically ... Start Today ..

If you are not a gym person but love to do group exercise with like minded people, then , my private classes will be what you are looking for

Call 082 876 2516 and be the Change and be proud you made the turnaround

      Website designed by Peter Klipfel  2010 - 2024

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